Just recently, a friend of mine asked me to help him move. This was the second time he moved in the span of 12 months.
The first was when he had to move closer to his workplace. The previous apartment he rented required him to drive for almost two hours to his office. In a day, he spent an average of three to four hours on the road.
This time, however, the reason was much different. He finally got the keys to his first house. This place was even further than the last apartment he rented but he thought the move was worth it.
He now enjoys his life living in a house he can call his own.
That left me to question: How often does an average American move in his or her lifetime? What causes him or her to relocate?
So why do people move?
According to a survey by the Census Bureau, an American may move 11.4 times (on average) during his or her lifetime. This can be an inter-city, inter-county or inter-state relocation. There are also some people who choose to move outside the country.
There are also many different reasons for moving from one place to another. Let’s discuss some of them.
From Renting to Owning
When we’re just starting our careers and building our independent lives, most of us rent a room or an apartment. This allows us to save up so we could afford a house of our own. When the right time comes and when we’ve stabilized our finances, we can then begin planning for homeownership.
However, some individuals, like my friend, have finally decided to stop renting and buy property to live in.
When you decide to buy property, yes there are still monthly payments. This time, however, you’re putting your money into something you can call your own.
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Job Relocation
According to the Census Bureau, about 9 percent of movers relocate due to a new job or when their current employment requires them to.
Some people choose to move closer to their workplace. And although moving isn’t as easy as it sounds, some people still choose to relocate for long-term convenience and for practicality.
Moving closer to where you work can save you time, money and effort. If relocating makes your life easier, then you should consider it.
Finding a Better or Bigger Home
We all seek to have a more comfortable life. We want to upgrade ourselves. According to the same survey, 15 percent of movers left their old homes to move to a bigger and better place.
The desire to look for a better home is pretty normal. If you’re financial situation improves and allows you to find a better house to live it, you’ll go for it.
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While some people want it bigger and better, others move to find a cheaper home. This can be true especially for renters who are saving up or homeowners who are on a tight budget.
If someone’s income can no longer afford to pay the rent or mortgage, it may be practical to look for a more economical place to live in.
Changes in the Family
When the family is growing, this could prompt you to get a bigger house. When your kids start having lives of their own, you may consider downsizing. A family member who’s getting married will move to the home he or she will be sharing with his or her spouse.
Many changes in the family influence their decision to relocate.
Finding a house that’s appropriate for the family is one of the biggest reasons why people move.
The next time you think of moving, make sure you’re prepared for it. Relocating means a fresh beginning. Make it advantageous for you.
Are you ready to move to your new home?